Interviews Music

Cyazon Shares an Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Production of his Remix of ‘Desire’

Welcome to this exclusive behind-the-scenes interview with Cyazon, the talented music Producer who has been captivating listeners with his

Cyazon Shares an Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Production of his Remix of ‘Desire’

Welcome to this exclusive behind-the-scenes interview with Cyazon, the talented music Producer who has been captivating listeners with his unique blend of futuristic and cyberpunk sounds. In this interview, Cyazon takes us on a journey through the creative process behind his latest remix of Sub Focus & Dimension’s hit track ‘Desire.’ Discover the inspiration, production techniques, and personal anecdotes that shaped this hard-hitting Drum & Bass version, as Cyazon shares insights into his artistic vision and signature style. Get ready to delve into the mind of the rising star as he unveils the secrets behind his unmissable remixes, releases, and captivating unreleased IDs. 

Hi Cyazon, how are you doing? 

Hi, doing great thank you! 

Your remix of Sub Focus and Dimension’s ‘Desire’ is out now, can you walk us through your creative process for remixing this track? How did you start working on the track? 

So, for the intro of the track, I created a Synthwave synth pluck arpeggiator using Diva with reverb. I also used reverbed supersaws and a Blade Runner-like synth sound for the chords in the intro as well. I recreated the main synth lead melody from the original using Serum with a square wave, noise, and distortion. I added a Dune 3 patch to it as well, similar to the sound I’m using in Serum. I added some boom impacts and risers to transition between sections of the song. The main bassline, I created my own bassline harmony. I used a saw wave and another wavetable with lowpass filtering, distortion, and the plugin gain reduction for the bassline. I added some heavy bass fills throughout the first drop. The second drop is mainly supersaws with the same bass fills and a new futuristic laser bass sound. Creatively, I worked linearly from intro to outro. A lot of the sounds I already had ready. Most of the work was creating the new melodies and songwriting for the remix. 

What inspired you to take on this particular track for a remix, and how did you approach putting your own unique spin on it? 

When listening to this track, I really liked the vocal, so that was the main inspiration for remixing this track. I wanted to make a Drum and Bass drop like the original, as well as, a Melodic Dubstep drop. A lot of it was using particular Synthwave/80s Melodic synth sounds. I put some futuristic sounds during the drops at certain parts as well. The main rolling bassline during the Drum and Bass drop is unique to my sound as well.  

Were there any elements or themes from the original track that you wanted to highlight or bring to the forefront in your remix? 

The main element I wanted to highlight was the main synth lead melody Sub Focus & Dimension use in the original. I ended up recreating it to sound almost identical, but I added another synth sound to it to give it more character.  

In what elements of the track do you think your signature sound is clearly displayed? How did you manage to incorporate your own sound and style into the remix while still staying true to the essence of the original? 

My signature sound is displayed on the main bassline and all of the melodic elements such as the Synthwave chords, pluck, and lead sounds I used in the intro, breakdown after the first drop, and throughout the track. Mainly, I incorporate these melodic elements while I’m songwriting, and a lot of it is adding new melodies or reinterpreting the bass harmony. The vocal does most of the work for keeping true to the original. 

What production techniques or effects did you utilize to achieve the desired impact and energy in your remix? 

One production technique I have been starting to use for fast basslines is making them sound bigger by using the Joey Sturgis Tone Gain Reduction plugin. The artist Muzz taught me this technique, so it has become very useful. I turned up the gain by about 34db and reduce the slay knob anywhere between 10%-15%.  

Can you share any interesting anecdotes or behind-the-scenes stories from the making of this remix? 

This remix was finished relatively quickly. I remember the extra melodies and new bassline harmony I created came to me naturally. In the moment they felt really inspiring and uplifting and it was exciting to work on it. 

What message or emotion were you trying to convey through your remix of “Desire”? 

Mainly an uplifting emotion was what I was trying to portray with this remix, since the vocal is very uplifting as well. The lyrics feel very personal to anyone, so you can really internalize the vocal and feel the emotions.  

You’ve been releasing some interesting remixes lately, what’s your favorite thing about making remixes? 

The main thing that makes releasing unofficial remixes great is that there isn’t a lot of planning to promote and release them. I can finish it in a few days, and that can be my main release for the month. It’s great for when I’m struggling to figure out what to release for the month, or if no label or self-releases are planned, I can just put out a remix instead. 

How do you feel your remix stands out among other interpretations of the track, and what makes it unique to your artistic vision? 

I feel that this remix has a very Synthwave/80s approach and analog sound as well as a Melodic Dubstep sound to it too, with the second chorus/drop. This remix also has some futuristic sounds I threw in at certain points too, which is unique to me. 

Looking ahead, what can fans expect from you in terms of future releases or projects? 

I have an upcoming collaboration release coming out early next month on a label. I’m working on releasing an EP with another label at some point this year as well. For right now, that is all I have being released along with other songs being pitched to labels at the moment.  

As we bring this behind-the-scenes interview to a close, we thank Cyazon for sharing his creative journey and the making of his unmissable remix of ‘Desire.’ His ability to blend genres and infuse his own futuristic touch into each track shines through, leaving us eager for more from this talented Producer. With an upcoming collaboration release and an EP in the works, it’s clear that Cyazon’s musical journey is only just beginning. Stay tuned to his social media channels for updates on his latest releases and projects, and be prepared to be taken on thrilling sonic adventures by this rising star in the Electronic Dance music scene. Keep an eye out for the ‘Desire (Cyazon Remix),’ available for streaming and download now, and get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Cyazon’s unique sound and vision. 

Listen and download ‘Desire (Cyazon Remix)’ now 

Cyazon Online 
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Ryan Phillips

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