Interviews Music

DJ/Production Duo Blak Likorish Takes Us Behind Their Captivating DJ Sets in Exclusive Interview

Prepare to be captivated as we dive into the world of Blak Likorish, the DJ and Electronic Music production

DJ/Production Duo Blak Likorish Takes Us Behind Their Captivating DJ Sets in Exclusive Interview

Prepare to be captivated as we dive into the world of Blak Likorish, the DJ and Electronic Music production duo from Canada’s West Coast. Composed of music Producer Vernon Jermain and DJ Coca Mount, Blak Likorish has been making waves across the Electronic Music scene with their unique fusion of Midtempo Bass, Bass House, and Dubstep. Their extensive training under the DJ and Producer Stickybuds has refined their craft, enabling them to create immersive and electrifying performances that are as much a visual spectacle as they are a sonic journey. 
So, join us as we go behind the decks with Blak Likorish, exploring their inspirations, creative process, and what the future holds for this rising duo.  

Hi Blak Likorish! How did you first get inspired to pursue DJing and how do your individual inspirations come together in your DJ sets? 

Vern: When we first met, we connected through our shared love of music and the festival scene. We had similar tastes in music, attended festivals together, and just enjoyed being in that environment. DJing felt like a natural progression for us because we were already sharing and listening to music together. We had always put on parties and played music that people didn’t know but loved, so becoming DJs professionally seemed like the next step. 
Laila: Yeah, we were always drawn to music that didn’t necessarily fit the mainstream, and people always enjoyed what we played at parties. We found it hard to conform to what everyone else was listening to, so sharing our unique music became a passion. When Vern and I met, we just started sharing a lot of music and it felt like a natural fit to pursue DJing together. 

Can you walk us through your strategy for putting together a new DJ mix and deciding on the track order? 

Vern: Our DJ sets are designed to take the audience on a journey. We introduce a narrative concept at the beginning and let it evolve through the music choices and edits we make. For example, in our recent sets, we had an intro song with a scripted AI voiceover to set the tone. We ensure all our tracks progress harmonically and fit the narrative and energy we want to create for the audience. Our goal is to keep the dance floor engaged and excited throughout the set.  

Laila: Yeah, we always keep the audience’s energy and emotions in mind while selecting tracks. We want them to have a satisfying experience by the end of the set. The visual and lighting components are also crucial to enhancing our performance. 

Tell us about your first live performance experience. What lessons did you learn from that show? 

Vern: Our first shows were during the pandemic through live streaming, and they were successful. We learned not to be too hard on ourselves when things go wrong and to gauge the crowd’s energy and reactions. It’s essential to keep them engaged and excited throughout the performance. 

Laila: We also learned how to navigate our musical interests while keeping the audience engaged. It took some time to understand how to create a cohesive and unique set that resonates with the crowd. 

How was your tutelage alongside Stickybuds and how did it shape your approach to DJing? 

Vern: Stickybuds taught us how to create a journey in our sets that invokes specific energy and emotions in the audience. He emphasized the importance of creating thematic cohesiveness within a set which allows each performance to be truly unique. 

Laila: Learning from Stickybuds was an incredible experience. He helped us understand the art of creating a cohesive set and the level of production quality needed for professional DJing. We were fortunate to learn from him and develop our own style while maintaining a high level of professionalism. 

What would be a dream venue or festival for Blak Likorish to perform at? 

Vern: Bass Coast and Tomorrowland are definitely on our bucket list. Playing at EDC and Ultra, known for their Bass House music, would be incredible too. Shambhala is also a festival we aspire to perform at. 

Laila: Definitely, those festivals have the perfect setup for our style of music. Coachella and Rifflandia are also venues we would love to perform at, especially to showcase our unique sound and visuals. 

How do audiences typically respond to your shows? 

Vern: We aim to blow them away and take them on a Dance music journey. We want them to escape into the Blak Likorish universe and experience something intense and impactful. It’s all about having a good time and enjoying the catharsis of the music. 

Laila: We want the audience to have fun, let loose, and not worry about anything else while they’re with us. It’s about creating a memorable and engaging experience for everyone. 

What challenges have you faced as a duo and how do you overcome them? 

Vern: Working together as a married couple and artist duo has its challenges. We’ve learned to separate our personal and professional lives. Trusting each other’s opinions and respecting our individual strengths has been key to overcoming challenges. 

Laila: Collaboration can be tough, but we’ve realized the importance of appreciating each other’s perspectives and creating a collective vision. We inspire and hold each other accountable, ensuring we push through any obstacles that come our way. 

Can you talk about the technical aspects of DJing and the equipment you prefer to use? 

Sure! We use a Pioneer DJ Z2 as our controller. It has all the fun features of any CDJ, plus a few other unique elements that we really enjoy. One standout feature is the performance pads, which we use extensively for samples, rolls, and interesting sound effects. It’s a lot of fun to play with!  
All of our edits are done in Ableton ahead of time now. We used to DJ with four decks, but as our edits became more complex and required more channels, we started doing a lot of our work in advance. Now we upload them as individual tracks. We spin a few different genres in our sets, and harmonic mixing is key for us to maintain the melodic flow throughout the entirety of our performances. 

Are there any upcoming projects, mixes, or performances that you’re particularly excited about? 

Yes, definitely! We’re currently performing our Supernova Soundwave set, which includes custom visuals and a corresponding laser light show. We’re really excited about this and are playing it locally throughout BC right now. At the end of the year, we plan to record and release it so people can get a sense of what we do and what to expect at our shows. We also have some new Mid-Tempo and Bass House tracks dropping in the next couple of months, along with some pretty cool music videos and new custom visuals. We love creating visuals and enjoy incorporating that element into all of our shows.  
You’ll be able to catch some of these on YouTube ahead of time as well as during our live shows. Right now, we’re just enjoying the process. We’re fully immersed in it, doing what we love, and taking it all in. Whatever comes our way, we’re ready for it and having fun along the journey. 

Blak Likorish has shown that their journey is as much about the process as it is about the end result. From their early days inspired by the festival scene to their meticulous approach to creating DJ sets that take audiences on a journey, Vern and Laila have demonstrated a deep commitment to their craft, showcasing creative potential that no doubt marks them as a duo to keep an eye on. So, stay tuned by following Blak Likorish across social media to remain up-to-date on their latest news, projects and performances. 

Blak Likorish Online    
Website | Instagram | Spotify    

About Author

Ryan Phillips

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